Frequently Asked Questions

Account Management

I'd like to open an account with DIllon Supply, what do I need to do to start the process?

Fill out our online Credit Application web form, our Credit Application pdf form, or visit your local branch and ask for a paper version of the form and submit it to get the ball rolling.

How do I Login/Request a Login?

A customer must have a Dillon account in order to log in or to request a login. If you are a new customer, and have been provided a new Dillon account by contacting your local Dillon Supply branch or by contacting, simply request login credentials by filling out our contact form and selecting Request Login Credentials for the subject line.

As an administrator, what options do I have to manage my account?

  • View Account Dashboard 
  • View Order History
  • View Invoice History
  • Add/Edit Ship to Addresses
  • Set Budgets
  • Add/Edit Additional Users

I forgot my password, what should I do?

Just select Forgot Password? on the login screen directly below the password box. A new pop-up dialog box will appear. Enter your email address and you will be sent an email with a link to reset your password. 

Shopping and Ordering on

How do I locate my local branch?

Visit our Branch Locator page and if you allow the browser to have access to your current location, it will display the nearest branch to you physically. 

Who do I contact if I have a question about my order or invoice? 

You can contact your local Dillon Supply branch, your account representative or by contacting via email. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form and select either Billing and Invoices or Sales/Order Management for the subject line.

Paying With Credit Cards

How Customers Add a New Credit Card

  1. Navigate to My Account > My Saved Payments on the storefront.
  2. Click Add a Card to add a new credit card to. The Add a Card window appears.
  3. Select the Make default check box to make this the default card.
  4. Enter the credit card nickname, number, expiration and name on card.
  5. Select the Copy address from Bill To check box to copy in the address information from the account Bill-To address or enter the Bill-To address information.
  6. Click Save. The card details display on the My Saved Payments page.

How Customers Manage Saved Credit Cards

  1. Navigate to My Account > My Saved Payments on the storefront.
  2. Click Delete if you want to remove an existing card, then verify the removal, or click Edit to update an existing credit card. The Edit a Card window appears.
  3. Select or clear the Make default check box, depending on if should be the default card.
  4. Make the necessary updates to the credit card or address details.
    Note: You cannot edit the card number of an existing saved card.
  5. Select or clear the Copy address from Bill To check box, depending on if you want to copy in the address information from the account Bill-To address or enter the Bill-To address information.
  6. Click Save. The updated card details display in the My Saved Payments page.

How Customers Use Saved Credit Cards During Checkout

  1. Add products to the cart and click Checkout on the Cart page.
  2. Click Continue on the Addresses page.
  3. Select a saved credit card, listed either by card nickname or card type and last four digits, from the Payment Method drop-down on the Review And Pay page. The default card is marked as default and other cards sort alphabetically in the list.
    Note: If the customer selects an expired card, a message appears below this field with a link to Edit card. The customer cannot checkout with this expired card.
  4. Enter the CVV in the Security Code field.
  5. Click Place Order. The system validates the credit card information and displays the Order Confirmation page.
    Note: If a customer has both terms and credit cards enabled, the Payment Method drop-down list defaults to terms, even if the customer has designated a default credit card.

How Customers Save Credit Cards During Checkout

  1. Add products to the cart and click Checkout on the Cart page.
  2. Click Continue on the Addresses page.
  3. Select Credit Card from the Payment Method drop-down on the Review And Pay page. The fields to enter credit card information appear.
  4. Enter the card type, name on card, card number, security code and expiration information.
  5. Select the Save card information check box if you want to save this credit card to the account. This adds the card to the My Saved Payments page under My Accounts.
  6. Select the Use billing address checkbox to use the billing address on the account or clear it to enter new address details.
  7. Click Place Order. The system validates the credit card information and displays the Order Confirmation page.

Miscellaneous Questions

I'd like to be updated on upcoming products and promotions, what should I do?

You should sign-up for our newsletter to get our exclusive promotional offers, counter days, product spotlight information and more. Just head to the bottom of any page and enter your email address -- it's at easy as that.

Do you share my information with any other service or company?

Please read our comprehensive Privacy Policy to see what we do share with other services or affiliates.

Have an additional question?

Contact your local Dillon branch or contact us at: You can also visit the Contact Us page and fill out the form located there and address your inquiry to the specific subject needed.

Having issues with our website not rendering properly in Internet Explorer?

If you have IE 10 or 11, you could be experiencing compatibility issues. To have the best user experience, we do recommend Google Chrome. Hoowever, if Chrome is not available to you, you can adjust your Internet Explorer settings to help the site render appropriately.

Step 1. From the Tools menu at the top of your browser (alternatively, click on the Cog looking icon) and select Compatibility View Settings.

IE 11 Tool Menu - Compatibility View Settings

Step 2. From the dialog box that appears, uncheck "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View"

Uncheck Display intranet sites in Compatability View

Step 3. Refresh your browser window displaying